
Clayton is trying to make sense of his mother’s sudden death. Or at least that's what Albert, an existentialist psychiatrist, is hoping to do. But when the coaching session reaches a philosophical roadblock, Clayton’s mentor proposes a radical way out: he steps onto the window frame and commits suicide!

Now determined to find some answers to the meaning of life, Clayton embarks on a quest that will take him through religion, society and family. But searching for faith in a holy temple, truth in an ancient library or love in a traditional marriage, proves to be a fool's errand.

Finally realizing that he has spent most of his energy, health and youth in this time-consuming journey, Clayton is left with one last desperate recourse: to climb the legendary mountain where, rumour has it, the fountain of all happiness is hidden.


Project Details

  • Writer - Director Kevin Bonarrigo
  • Producer: TBC
  • Genre: Comedic Drama
  • Status: In Development